Tips for Traveling Long-Distance With Seniors

Tips for Traveling Long-Distance With Seniors

Long-distance travel is difficult for anyone, but it presents new challenges when traveling with someone 65 years or older. If you’re traveling long-distance with seniors, consider our tips to ensure you and your passengers are happy and healthy on the journey.

Evaluate Health Conditions

Before you set out on your journey, it’s wise to have the health and well-being of the seniors you’re traveling with checked by a physician or their primary care doctor. You want to be sure they’re physically fit and able to embark on a long and trying journey, especially if they have chronic health problems.

If the senior has medication they take every day or multiple times per day, ensure they have enough for the trip and perhaps ask about securing emergency backup medication. If their physician says the travel may be too difficult for them, you’ll have to consider other options.

Consider NEMT Services

Other options for traveling with seniors with significant medical issues include non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) services. NEMT services enhance the quality of life for seniors by providing safe, medically focused transportation to them and their passengers so they can travel long distances under medical supervision.

While NEMT is often for getting to doctor’s appointments or medical facilities far away, seniors can also use it for casual leisure travel. NEMT services have a driver and medical personnel on board to monitor patients, so you can sit back and enjoy the trip with your loved one instead of worrying about their health and comfort the entire trip.

Rest Up Beforehand

Another tip for traveling long-distance with seniors is to get as much rest as possible beforehand, especially if you’ll be the one primarily driving. Driving for extended periods, along with planning the journey, can be very tiring, so it’s crucial to get quality rest before setting out.

One of the most common causes of accidents while driving, especially those driving long-distance, is drowsiness. Try to get at least eight hours of sleep not just the day before leaving but the week leading up so that your body is well-rested and ready for the journey.

Take Frequent Breaks

When taking a road trip, your priority may be to get there as soon as possible with as few breaks as possible, but when traveling with a senior, it’s wise to take frequent breaks. Sitting in one position for multiple hours is hard on you and seniors, especially for their backs, so everyone should take a break every two hours or so to stretch and take a mental break.

Consider grabbing a snack, filling up at a gas station, or just stopping at a local attraction or park to take a few moments to rest, stretch your legs, and recharge for the next two hours of driving.

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