How To Identify Signs of Senior Loneliness

There are times during our lives when we get so busy that it can be difficult to check in with loved ones. However, for the seniors in your life, lack of communication can lead to loneliness and other issues down the road. Try to keep an eye on your older loved ones to ensure they don’t feel isolated or left out during this time of their lives. Here is a quick list of some of the most common signs of senior loneliness and how to identify them.

Changes in Attitude

Attitude and personality changes are often subtle in adults and seniors. If a senior becomes more withdrawn, quieter, or shows signs of depression, consider checking in on them. Loneliness can also surface as hostility or anger. This behavior can repel people and caregivers even further, which is why it’s so important to alleviate feelings of loneliness in seniors.

Difficulty Completing Daily Tasks or Self Care

No matter your age, loneliness and isolation can lead to feelings and symptoms of depression. Depression can often make the smallest and simplest tasks feel impossible. Additionally, when seniors experience isolation, they often become less active than they usually are and may stop exercising, which can lead to injuries or general pain. When your loved ones aren’t completing daily tasks, reach out to them. Ask them how they are feeling or if they’re experiencing pain or sadness.

Sudden Memory Loss

Memory loss can often come with age, especially for seniors who struggle with memory disorders or who have a family history of these issues. However, if you notice your loved one having more difficulty with memory than usual, this could be a sign of loneliness. Human interaction and conversation help stimulate seniors’ minds, which promotes healthy memory and brain function. When we don’t provide these things for seniors, it can result in poor memory or the development of memory problems.

Increased Social Media or Technology Use

Some of today’s seniors have embraced technology such as smartphones and social media to stay in touch with their loved ones. If you notice your older loved ones reaching out to you or your family more often or even spamming group chats with messages, this could be another sign of loneliness. They could be trying to reach out digitally to feel less isolated. This is a key sign to contact them or visit more often.

Now that you know how to identify signs of senior loneliness, you can look for these signs in your own family members and loved ones. If you suspect a senior in your life could be dealing with feelings of loneliness or isolation, reach out to them or contact a caregiver to provide the companionship they may need.

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